Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anna Brigade a phenomenon or just another passing fad??

Just when World Cup reached a crescendo, another World Cup was being played out on streets by general public of India. It was for a social cause of eradicating corruption which is clearly eating the roots of our great democracy in the similar way white ants eat the timber.

And one man rose to the occasion with his selfless service to the nation for over three decades and more. He is the poster boy of India's fight against corruption and he answers to the name of Anna Hajare. Believe me, he is a 72 year old octogenarian with a tenacity of a bull shark.

Across India, he is known for his squeaky clean image and someone who is a self-confessed Gandhian. He believes in fasting as a way of protesting against unjust and unethical practices. And he is not alone! He enjoys the support of every common man yearning for a change in the system for better. For us, the 'Aam' Janta, he is our voice.

Just over a week ago, he declared war on corruption as a whole which includes corrupt government ministers and bureacrats whose nexus has already caused enough damage to the reputation of our great democracy. Anna Hajare is a crusader who believes in letting his action do the talking. His social work is well documented and well-known across India.

Anna Hajare decided to fast unto death unless and until 'Lokpal Bill' is passed in the parliament. This bill aims at punishing the culprits and in turn effectively help in curbing it in the longer run. It was really heartening to see the sea of people turn out in unison for supporting his social initiative.

People prayed for his success. In fact, they joined him along with a forthright anti-corruption crusader, Arvind Kejriwal. Support poured in for him from all quarters - be it from film fraternity to sports fraternity to corporates. Most importantly, commoners participated in large numbers which made it a huge success.

However, in the wake of this mass awakening, few even had temerity to doubt Anna Hajare's character. Some even went on to label his way of protest as 'Blackmailing'. Such remarks are juvenile and proves that these people are against the larger interest of the R.K. Laxman's 'Common Man'. Such anti-socials are certain misfits in our society.

My only concern is that we as commoners have won the battle and not war! I sincerely hope that the uprising against corruption plaguing our great democracy doesnot wane. It's imperative for every like-minded Indian against corruption to stay united till we actually uproot it from its deeply entrenched root. Mind you, it's easier said than done.

I'd like to cite a brilliant example of mutiny of a certain Mangal Pandey that led to an uprising against the mighty British Empire which ultimately led to its downfall. This time around, our enemy is within. And it's a dangerous evil if I may say so. We need to stick together to tackle it effectively.

I would like to conclude with that often heard adage 'United we stand and divided we fall'. Jai Hind.

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