Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Posterboy of global terrorism Osama Bin Laden killed in Pakistan!

Every law abiding citizen who is opposed to extremism woke up to a pleasant news yesterday morning. The most wanted terrorist in the world, Osama Bin Laden was shot dead near Islamabad in Pakistan! It was a result of massive manhunt that began almost a decade ago with the sensational attack on twin towers of United States of America. It was led by U.S. Intelligence who amde a master move by going for the kill without alerting Pakistan.

A man who single handedly masterminded the most devastating terror attack in history on the most powerful nation in the world finally met his fate. It was shocking to say the least. Terrorism witnessed a surge around the world especially in India. Billions of dollars were spent on intelligence for tracing Osama Bin Laden and his men. It took almost a decade to finally bring the dreaded terrorist to justice.

All circumstantial evidences pointed towards Pakistan's direct involvement which its corrupt administration had been busy denying vehemently till they were exposed butt naked yesterday. In the wake of 9/11, whole world witnessed another deadly terrorist attack on India's commercial capital where bunch of gut toting terrorists including Kasab ran amok on that infamous 26/11 night in 2008. However, the lone captured terrorist, Ajmal Kasab is languishing in Indian jail awaiting his death.

However within 3 days, India's bravehearts including NSG commandos, Mumbai Police, Railway Police and Commoners including Railway Radio Announcer and Chotu Chaiwala fought valiantly. India and the whole world watched in concern when the perpetrators were sitting comfortably in Pakistan and running their sadistic war against India and democracy in general. In a way, it's a significant victory for allied democratic nations such as the illustrious members of G8.

Isn't Al-Quaeda the brain child of U.S.A. when they were at loggerheads with Soviet Union in 1980s? U.S. highest ranked officials trained Osama Bin Laden and his troops to fight against U.S.A's one time arch rival, Soviet Union. It was only time when this dangerous outlaws turned against them. U.S. administration is to be blamed for the loss of innocent lives around the world.

U.S. again was the culprit behind the scene as they continued to provide financial and arms support to Pakistan despite knowing the fact that it is known to be a safe haven for terrorists. It is obviously a double game of U.S. politics which is trying to maintain its world supremacy at all cost. On one hand, they vow to eliminate terrorism. While on the other hand, they are readily funding those who are sheltering the dangerous terrorists who can raise their deadly fangs again. This dirty politics by U.S. needs to stop.

Coming back to India's plight, we have always been a lone nation standing firm in their continual fight against terrorism. U.S. only realized it after it suffered embarassing suicide terror attack that shook them off their deep slumber of ignorance.

Are we seeing the bigger picture? Is Osama's death an end game for terrorism on this planet? Or is it just a symbolic victory for U.S. who sought revenge for the carnage of infamous 9/11? Will this galvanize the Al-Quaeda and other allied terror networks?? Only time will tell.

Indeed, it was a great achievement and a much needed justice was meted out all those innocent victims who became targets of Al Quaeda's nefarious crusade against humanity. It is always better late than never. Indeed, revenge was sweeter. All is well that ends well.

With Osama Bin Laden out of the way, we will hopefully see other anti-social elements such as Dawood Ibrahim and his henchmen on the hit list of democratic forces. Everybody knows that he is merrily living in Pakistan like a king. Will U.S. turn their focus on him and smoke him out of his comfort zone and pump bullets into him?

No matter how conniving the terrorist network gets, they can run and hide but cannot survive the collective effort of secular nations armed with a purpose of wiping them out from its roots.

Hopefully, that day is not far away when we will rid this earth of menace called terrorism and terrorists. First and foremost, we need to tackle the thinking that leads terrorists on this path of absurd violence.

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